Dimensions of Health


Health is a positive state of well-being and free from all illnesses. A person should not be suffering from any disease. Sometimes we feel tired and exhausted and incapable of enjoying our well-being state. Sometimes we suffer from infection, and in women’s cases, they have to suffer from monthly periods. This means no one wants complete well-being and a healthy state all the time. People always think that Health is related to the physical and nothing else. But there are some dimensions from which we can define Health, such as physical, mental, social, and spiritual Health.

Physical Health-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

1. Physical Health

Physical Health is very easy to define. Suppose someone looks at their behaviour as an alert. For example, they are responsive, Vigorous, energetic, and physically healthy. There are also some signs from which we can say that a person is physically reasonable. A person is on his ideal weight and body fat so that he would be physically healthy. But can we say that a person is entirely healthy? To detect that a person is completely healthy, we have to look at all the dimensions of Health.

Mental Health-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

2. Mental Health

Defining mental Health is a more complex task. But not impossible. Still, we can detect mental Health through personal behaviour and how a person handles situations and emotions. We can describe it as the person’s nature and feelings of fear, anger or jealousy. The interrelationship between mental and physical health can be checked by matching his physical and psychological Health. For example, if a person has a problem with high blood pressure. It could be the poor ability to handle situations and constant stress. Physical ill-health also has an impact on mental health; for example, if a child is disabled and cannot play with other youths in the playground so he would feel inferior to other children, and feeling may constantly trouble him. This would affect his mental Health. Mental Health and Physical Health both are interrelated.

3. Social Health

A person who recognizes her obligations towards other members of society and can relate to others around him can be described as socially healthy. That is criminals because their behaviour in society is not socially acceptable, so we can call it anti-social, murder and theft. Society does actively control this type of behaviour since ignoring this type of egg would destroy society itself. We can recognize social and Health by this example.

4. Spiritual Health

It is tough to define. as we are Indians, so we probably; understand spiritual Health more easily because, in our society, religious behaviour is easily observable. Everyone cannot achieve spiritual Health because it is challenging. There are some characteristics from which we can find spiritual Health. The concept of always doing good and not harming others. Always believe in goodness and Justice because these are worshipped as a god. Obligations, commitment and beauty are all characteristics of spiritual Health. 

It isn’t easy to achieve all the dimensions of Health, but if someone wants to achieve all the above, they can. There are some tips and tricks to achieve all the dimensions of Health.

Nutrition-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

6. Nutrition

Nutrition is the number one key to achieving physical and mental Health. Whatever we eat, our body responds accordingly. For example, if someone overeats fat in his diet, so he has to suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease in the future. So, eat healthy food and avoid junk food. Eat green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, whole grains, eggs and meat.

7. Exercise

After good nutrition, exercise is essential to get your body into the best shape and stay at your ideal weight. Activity is also prevented your body from accumulating too much fat in the body. 30 to 45 minutes is enough to exercise every day. No need to go to the gym and lift heavy weights; do what you love. There are many options like swimming, dancing, skipping rope, cycling, outdoor running, and body weight workout.

8. Sleep

Sleep is also essential because our body recovers and repairs when we sleep. generating new body cells here and nailing this all happens when we sleep at night. The body does fight infection and disease. Our body heals when we sleep; seven to eight hours is necessary for everyone to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Meditation-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

9. Meditation

Meditation is an excellent option for achieving mental and spiritual Health. It calms our brain to control our emotions. Meditation gives us freedom from internal conflicts. It also helps us to achieve social Health as well. Meditation can help you to make the right decision in society. With the help of meditation, you can achieve the highest state of your mind, but this is not easy; it takes time.

Above mentioned viewpoint, you can achieve positive well-being and all the dimensions of Health. 

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