Teeth Health


Teeth are one of the hard substances in the human body. These are essential to enjoy the food and for chewing. Moreover, due to ageing, our teeth’ condition will not remain the same. Furthermore, we have to take care of our teeth. However, I would like to explain some parts of teeth, some diseases of teeth and some information about healthy teeth.

Parts of teeth-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

1. Parts of teeth

Some features of teeth include; 

Enamel: It is the hardest and whitest part of the teeth. It is made up of calcium.

Dentin: It is a layer that underlies enamel. Heat and cold enter through this path when the enamel is damage. Moreover, it causes pain or sensitivity.

Pulp: It is the inner and softer part of teeth. Nerves and blood vessels run through the pulp.

Periodontal ligament and Cementum: Both terms help teeth to hold the muscles against the jawbone.

Furthermore, there are Incisors (8 total), Canines (4 total), Premolars (8 total), Molars (8 total), and wisdom(4 capacity). Each tooth plays a vital role.

 Diseases of teeth-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

2. Diseases of teeth

Cavities; It is damaged enamel or the most challenging part of the teeth that open the tiny permanent holes. Tooth decay; is a general type of disease. Periodontitis; Poor oral hygiene is usually to blame. Moreover, there are many conditions like; Plaque, Tartar, overbite, underbite, teeth grinding, and tooth sensitivity.

 Steps to maintain healthy teeth-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com

3. Steps to maintain healthy teeth

Brushing teeth: Brush your teeth twice a day.

Rinsing teeth: Rinsing your teeth with suitable mouthwash.

Flossing teeth: lean your teeth below the gum line where the brush can’t reach.

Dental cleaning: Go for dental cleaning within six months to maintain good teeth health.

Tooth filing and root canal: Both treatments removed the damaged part and filled it with the mineral. 

Tooth extraction: Tooth extraction is done if the disease is not curable. In this process, the whole tooth will remove.

Braces: An artificial system that places teeth under tension for an extended period. Braces can help crooked teeth become realigned.

 eat cheese, milk and yoghurt for healthy teeth-Fit Folic, fitfolic, fitfolic.com


Moreover, you can eat cheese, milk and yoghurt for healthy teeth. These are low in sugar and high in calcium. Avoid taking sugar because it will damage your teeth so fast. Furthermore, you must bear one seasonal fruit in your daily routine.

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